Oaks Overseas Educational Consultancy Celebrates a Grand Success at the Global Education Conclave 2024

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A Remarkable Day of Opportunities and Insights at the Global Education Conclave 2024

Oaks Overseas Educational Consultancy is proud to announce the overwhelming success of the Global Education Conclave 2024, held on August 17th at the prestigious DV Manor Hotel in Vijayawada. The event brought together over 40 top universities from across the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and Europe, offering aspiring students a unique opportunity to explore their dreams of international education.

A Day Filled with Unmatched Opportunities

The Global Education Conclave 2024 was a resounding success, drawing in a large crowd of enthusiastic students and parents eager to discover the best educational pathways. The event provided attendees with invaluable insights into global education, allowing them to engage directly with university representatives and industry experts.

Key Highlights of the Event:

  1. Engagement with 40+ Top Universities:
    The conclave featured representatives from over 40 prestigious universities worldwide, giving students direct access to information about diverse programs, admission processes, and campus life. Attendees appreciated the chance to discuss their academic goals and receive personalized advice from university officials.

  1. Spot Assessments & Scholarship Advice:
    One of the standout features of the event was the spot assessments conducted by participating universities. Many students received instant feedback on their eligibility for various programs, and some were even pre-qualified for scholarships. The scholarship advice provided by our experts was highly appreciated, offering students a clearer pathway to funding their education abroad.
  2. Insights on Dependent Visas & Affordable Programs:
    The sessions on dependent visas and low-cost yet high-quality programs attracted significant attention. Students and parents were keen to learn about visa options for family members and explore affordable educational opportunities that do not compromise on quality.
  3. Comprehensive Guidance on Job Seeker Visas & Canada Immigration:
    The expert-led discussions on job seeker visas and Canada immigration proved to be a major draw. Attendees were equipped with the latest information and strategies for securing visas and making the transition to life and work abroad smoother.
  4. Expert Sessions & Personalized Consultations:
    The event featured a series of expert sessions covering a wide range of topics, including application procedures, visa requirements, and the benefits of studying abroad. Our consultants were on hand throughout the day, offering personalized guidance and addressing specific queries, ensuring that every attendee left with a wealth of knowledge.


A Day to Remember

The Global Education Conclave 2024 was more than just an event—it was a gateway to global opportunities. The vibrant interactions, informative sessions, and the sheer enthusiasm of the participants made it a day to remember. Students left with a clear roadmap for their educational journey, and parents felt reassured about the prospects of sending their children abroad.

Looking Ahead

Following the success of this conclave, Oaks Overseas Educational Consultancy is more committed than ever to guiding students towards their academic dreams. We will continue to host such impactful events, providing aspiring students with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in the global educational arena.

Thank You for Making It Possible

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the universities, students, parents, and our dedicated team for making the Global Education Conclave 2024 a tremendous success. Your participation and enthusiasm are what drive us to deliver the best services and opportunities.

Stay Connected!

Stay tuned for more exciting events and updates from Oaks Overseas Educational Consultancy. Together, let’s continue to make your global education dreams a reality!

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